I've been sitting on this secret since which is why I haven't posted much. So here's the story of what happened that day. As you know we had our big July 4th party for family and friends so I was pretty tired. For some reason Monday afternoon, it dawned on me that I should have started that day or the day before. Or at least I thought so. In June, I never got a + ovulation test so I just assumed it was an anovulatory cycle since I've had a couple before. But since I am addicted to peeing on sticks since we've been trying to conceive, I decided to take a home pregnancy test expecting the same results as always. I had a few of the line tests in the cabinet so that's what I took. I did my thing and watched as the sample went across the test strip. To my absolute shock, a second line came up. I picked it up for a closer look. The line was faint but definitely there. I was shaking. I hadn't even told Dave I was taking a test so I came running and found him at the dining room table sorting baseball cards. I shoved the test under his nose and so eloquently stated, "Oh my Lord, I think we're pregnant!" He looked at me as if I had grown an extra head then took the test from my hand to look at it. I asked if he saw a second line. He said yes but it was faint. I told him it didn't matter how faint it was, it's the fact that it's there that matters. He said he needed to see a test that hadn't been peed on to make a definite decision. So back to the bathroom we went. I was a genius and had saved my "sample" on the off chance I needed to retest. I had one more test just like the first and one of another brand. I dipped them both in and sure enough, positive. He was still having trouble believing this was happening because we didn't put in our best effort in June due to the fact we thought I didn't ovulate. Needless to say, it only takes once is a very true statement. In an effort to convince him we were really pregnant, I suggested we go get some digital tests. Off on our field trip to Walgreen's we went. Armed with 2 types of digitals, we returned to our sample cup. Almost immediately, the first popped up YES+, then the second brand popped up Pregnant. I shoved those under his nose and asked if he still didn't believe. At that point, he began saying "OMG, OMG..." over and over again. I told him to knock it off. We looked at each other silently for a while trying to process the fact that the goal we had been trying to achieve for a year was finally happening and that our life was never going to be the same again.
Never in my life have I felt the variety of emotions I was feeling that day. I was shocked, happy, scared, and worried all at the same time. We called our parents who were all elated. I would say we stayed in shock for at least another week before we snapped out of it. Because of all the issues I have had, I called my doctor the next day. They told me I could come in for a blood test to confirm if I wanted to but after 5 + home pregnancy tests, they felt quite confident that I was indeed pregnant. I decided to go for the blood test. The same as the home tests, the blood test is checking for HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin). The difference with the blood test is that it can tell you exactly how much is in your system. Most people do a repeat test 2 days after the first to make sure the numbers are doubling which indicates a progressing pregnancy. My first blood test came back at 90. The second came back at 338, well over the hopeful doubling. Dave immediately started saying we were having twins. I told him to shut his mouth.
I will fill in the blanks in the timeline since the 5th later but I'm now 11 weeks and 4 days with an expected due date of March 16, 2011. Festus, as my friend, Ann, has deemed it until we know the gender, is progressing beautifully. Right now it's around 2" long. Huge! I think we are still in shock to a degree but it's definitely becoming much more real. After my fertility doctor visit in June, I was beginning to lose hope. Then I had my birthday and made my wish when I blew out the candles. Less than 2 weeks later, God made my wish come true. I often wonder what was it in June that made Him decide it was our time. I am so thankful and blessed at the gift we have been given. Never forsake what God can do in your life. Stay tuned for the next installment.
Toastingly Yours,
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