We also have a comparison measurement at 30 wks thanks to our front ending. What is a front ending you might ask? Well, on New Year's Eve Eve (aka Dec. 30th), we went out to run errands and I just had to have something to eat so into the Wendy's drive thru we pulled. We're sitting there waiting in line with 2 or 3 cars in front of us. All of a sudden, I see the white van in front of us flash on the reverse lights. I yell for Dave to move and he tried but not quick enough. So this guy slams into us. He jumps out saying he didn't see us. If you've seen Dave's car, how do you miss a bright blue FJ Cruiser? Once he sees I'm pregnant, he starts freaking out. Dave tries to calm him down and exchange insurance info. Meanwhile, I call the doctor's office to see what I should do. At first they tell me to just watch for decreased movement, cramping, etc. so I hang up. Not 2 minutes later, they call back and tell me because I'm 30 wks I need to go to labor & delivery in case the seat belt caused a tear in my placenta because I would likely not have symptoms. Whoa horsey! Stop the bus. I was not expecting that. So I calmly tell Dave we need to go to the hospital. He finishes with insurance info and off we go. I was trying to remain calm but on the way it hit me, something could be wrong with my child and I immediately burst into tears. If you know me, you know I'm not a crier so this is pretty unusual. After some deep breaths, I pull it together.
Once we make it to the hospital, I check in and get hooked up to all the monitors. All was looking well or so I thought. After about an hour the nurse comes in with an IV (needles are my phobia because I'm such a hard stick). It took .2 seconds for me to start wigging out again. Apparently I was having contractions and didn't even know it. So in hopes it was just from being dehydrated, they stab me with the IV and run a bag of fluids. Luckily, this takes care of the problem. Boy, did I feel like a moron to not even know I was contracting. While I was waiting for the fluids to go in, they came in to do an ultrasound to check my placenta. Again we were blessed with the all clear. However, we did find out that in less than 2 weeks, my child was now weighing in at 3 lbs 15 oz. That's over a pound more!! I'm telling you peeps, it's a gi-baby in there.
Moral of the story is that simple errands can turn into a nightmare. Always be thankful for what you have in the moment. I've been blessed with a great pregnancy so far. The thought that something as stupid as a front ending might hurt my child made me realize just how much I love him and we haven't even met yet. I never knew I had those kind of feelings in me. Since all worked out okay, I'm now thankful that God showed me I am capable of loving my child more than I could have imagined. Until next time.
Toastingly Yours,